Do you have sex twice a week or twice a month? And does it matter to your relationship how often you make love? Work stops many of us having sex as regularly as we would like. Family life – such as babies and children get in the way of love making. And some couples are […]
Tag: Personal relationship stories

Ten stories that earn the most cash…
Which real-life stories do magazines, newspapers and television like the best? A selection of some of the most sought after… Cheating and infidelity If your husband ran off with the bridesmaid, your best friend or your mum then you have definitely got a story to sell! Discovered the one you love is a bigamist? You […]

Selling your story to a magazine – ten top tips!
Rule number one! Don’t go directly to any publication! A magazine or newspaper might offer you money for your story but you won’t know if their offer is a good one or not … or the best. There is also no guarantee your story will appear as you want it to or that you will be paid – if anything goes wrong you are on your own against a big national publication…

Fourth deal for interviewees who appear in Real People mag
“My son ran off with my best friend” – Natasha Dodds’ story appears in REAL PEOPLE magazine…

Interviewees appear in Bella magazine…
Sister site Featureworld interviewee Natasha Dodds features in BELLA magazine this week discussing what happened when she found out her 39 year old friend, Sasha, was having a relationship with her 18 year old Son, Nicky…

Interviewees appear on ITV’s This Morning…
Featureworld interviewees appear on ITV’s This Morning to discuss the events that unfolded after Natasha’s best friend, Sasha, 39, ran off with her Son Nicky, 18…

My son ran off with my best friend…!
When Natasha’s best friend Sasha ran off with her son, 18, Natasha was devastated. But now the pair have had a baby together, it’s brought them back together. Exclusive story in the SUNDAY MIRROR newspaper…

Pressures of baby-making can put men off sex…
A new study has confirmed that the pressure on men from having to “perform” on cue can result in impotence and, in a significant number of cases, adultery..

Can reading erotic fiction save your relationship?
Reading an erotic novel can even help save a marriage – because women will feel sexier quicker – says a new survey.

How do you react in an argument with your partner? Males and females differ…
A recent survey has shown that women tend to react more emotionally than men, while men tend to withdraw from relationship strife.