One of the bonuses of selling your story through Featureworld rather than directly to one publication is that I can gain you not just one deal, but several. And this week is a good example of how interviewees coming to Featureworld to sell a story will always gain more publicity (if they wish!)
Sharon Boks
Sharon’s story about how making wedding plans gave her a heart attack appears this week in WOMAN magazine.
Julia Rees
Julia Rees’ real-life story also appears in WOMAN magazine this week.
Diane Miller
Diane’s tragic story of how she will care for her orphaned grandson appears in WOMAN’S OWN this week.
I am often asked, “can I sell my story to more than one magazine or newspaper?” And the answer is yes! At Featureworld, the policy is to put the interviewee first. So if an interviewee only wants one newspaper or magazine, that’s fine. However, interestingly – especially for anyone nervous about selling their story in the first place – virtually 100 per cent of interviewees want me to sell their stories on again. And then Featureworld has an extremely good track record of gaining people multiple deals with more magazines, newspapers and on TV, be it on a chat show or for a documentary.
If you would like to sell your story and want the best coverage possible, then do contact me for free advice: Selling my story.