Featureworld interviewee Sarah Robinson tells her cautionary story about binge drinking in the DAILY MAIL newspaper today.
I sold first sold Sarah’s story last year. As studies have linked breast cancer with excess drinking, she believed binge drinking in her teens and twenties could have been responsible for her being diagnosed with the disease. Then her real-life story appeared over three pages in a glossy weekly women’s magazine. She was delighted with her article and she told me she would love to do another feature.
I kept Sarah’s details on file and when the Daily Mail news asked me yesterday afternoon if I had anyone who might be interested in contributing to their story about binge drinking, I immediately thought of Sarah.
The story in the Daily Mail today tells of new research that young women in the UK are drinking more alcohol than their European contemporaries.
Sarah gave her consent to her story being used again – she wants to raise awareness of how damaging binge drinking can be – so welcomed the opportunity to tell her story again.
And today it appears as part of a bigger news report going over two pages.
If you would like to contribute your story to a news report, get in contact here: Sell My Story form.
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