This lifestyle feature recently appeared in the women’s Femail section of the DAILY MAIL newspaper.
Rarely does a week go by when there isn’t a new study about house husbands, stay at home dads or wives now earning more than their husbands. The latest one even says the more women earn, the more likely their husband is to have an affair. So is this true…? A number of Sell My Story website Featureworld interviewees took part in this article contributing their views.
Susan Clement-Loftus is an opera singer and husband Jim is a writer who is working on novels. They explained how if Jim didn’t stay at home to care for son Daniel (and they also foster children) their lives would be much more chaotic. In fact Susan says she simply could not manage with the late night concerts and theatre shows if Jim had a ‘normal’ 9-5 job. Money wise however, Jim does currently depend on Susan who is the breadwinner and he admits he doesn’t describe himself as a ‘house husband’ when he first meets people.
This situation doesn’t work well for Andrew Purcell and wife Lindsey. Andrew used to own a brewery business but since selling up (it wasn’t making enough money) he has been at home with the couple’s four children. And he hates it, feeling that he and Lindsey are no longer so close. Lindsey also admits she will feel happier when Andrew gets another job…
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