Having passion in our lives is more important than being wealthy – and according to a new survey, many of us want more of it in our lives. And, says the study, reading a erotic novel can even help save a marriage – because women will feel sexier quicker.
When asked the question, ‘What would you like to have more of?’ passion comes a definite top, with 34% wanting more of this. Wealth scores a much lower 19% and romance is even further down the priority list, with only 13% ticking this box.
The Guilty Secrets Survey was conducted by the UK’s leading publisher of erotic fiction, Xcite Books, which is this month launching a sumptuous and discreetly packaged range of novels under the banner of The Secret Library and billed as ‘passionate romance.’
Favourite Fantasies
Other results from the survey also indicate that Brits are secretly lusting after more sexual excitement. When asked to chose their favourite fantasy, threesomes came top of the list with nearly half of respondents (49%) choosing this. Bondage and spanking are also popular scoring 42% and 41% respectively.
Not surprisingly, these preferences are reflected in favoured genres of erotic fiction, suggesting that many satisfy and explore their fantasies between the covers of naughty novels.
54% said submission and domination was their favourite genre while 49% like reading about sex involving multiple partners; 39% enjoy spanking stories and 40% get a thrill from books containing bondage. The publishers add that actress Keira Knightly’s recent claim that, ‘we are nation of spankers’ is not far wrong.
Can Reading Erotica Save Marriages?
Perhaps the desire for more passion explains why, though most who took part in the survey are married (57%) or in a relationship (20%), 44% admit to having cheated on their partner.
But Hazel Cushion, MD of Xcite Books, believes reading passionate romance is the answer and can help couples sustain a passionate sex life and lead to less relationship breakdown and divorce.
‘Erotic novellas such as those featured in The Secret Library books can help readers switch from day to play mode, or from mother to lover, in a matter of minutes,’ says Hazel Cushion. ‘They make it easier than ever to be a wife by day and a diva by night. The books have been recommended by sex therapists for their wide-ranging appeal and non-degrading content that makes women feel sexually empowered.‘
Erotic Reading Habits
At a time when the erotic novel and New York Times bestseller Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James is causing a storm on both sides of the Atlantic, the Guilty Secrets Survey also explored erotic reading habits in Britain. Most appear to have had their first erotic fiction encounter in their teenage years, and go on to name classic and literary novels such as Lady Chatterley’s Lover, Fanny Hill and Delta of Venus as their first time read. Despite the rise in popularity of ebooks most still prefer paperbacks (63%) but a quarter feel embarrassed or inhibited about reading erotic fiction. 94% therefore welcome the innovative concept of The Secret Library books, which are cunningly disguised in discreet and elegant velvet covers so that they can be read in public and left on bedside tables.
* The survey included 110 respondents who were predominantly female – 77%. Most (60%) fell into the 31-50 age group.
The Secret Library includes six titles, the first two published this month priced £7.99
Traded Innocence ISBN 9781908262028
Silk Stockings ISBN 9781908262042
PR: by BrightRedCoat