When people come through sister site Featureworld it is usually the first time they have ever sold a story to the press and they are very nervous.
But we specialise in not only putting them at ease and selling their story exactly as they want but in encouraging and giving them the confidence to go that little bit further… and telling their story on television is something that many of our interviewees thoroughly enjoy.
This week Dwain Smith took courage in both hands when he went on ITV’S THIS MORNING to talk about how he needs to lose weight. Dwain is one of the slimmers the programme will be following and helping to lose weight over the coming months.
Dwain says: “Going on the show was an amazing experience. Everyone was so lovely and it’s been a dream come true.”
Dwain has already appeared in Closer mag. Read more about Dwain.
And last night another interviewee also featured on TV.

Sex change pensioner Donna Smith appeared on CHANNEL 5 NEWS. She was filmed at home talking about how at the age of 69 she became the oldest person in the UK to have a sex change.
Donna says: “I even gave the reporter from Channel 5 a psychic reading when he came to interview me. Everyone from Channel 5 and ITV’s This Morning are so incredibly professional. It’s been a truly wonderful experience to go on television.”
Donna’s story has already appeared in the Sunday Mirror, Daily Mail and ITV This Morning. Read more about Donna.
And Gill Fletcher today went on ITV Daybreak. Gill, a mum of two and former alcoholic went on the breakfast show to discuss new health advice that everyone should remain drink-free for at least two days a week.

Gill has not drunk now for seven years.
Gill’s story has been in Bella, The Daily Mail and The Sun – placed via sister site Featureworld.
Read more about Gill and her stories.
Gill said: “I was thrilled to go on Daybreak. Alison has been great in finding me many places to tell my story and I can always trust her to put my interests first.”
Do you want to be on TV? Find out how to reach millions of TV viewers by talking to Featureworld.
To see more TV opportunities go to our TV Opportunities Page where you can see and apply for free for the latest requests by TV producers.
Hi my names Emma Fulham. I am currently a student, 15. I am a child of an alcoholic. I would like to make it aware to everyone, if you are a child of an alcoholic, there is light at the end of the dark tunnel.
You might feel down, confused, let down, the blame for the cause of your parents dependency. But you’re not. You didn’t cause this disease, you supported them throughout the whole process and put your life on hold as you were growing up. Sometimes alcoholics recover, some don’t…
I lived with my Mum every since I was born; she is an alcoholic. I felt so pressured into choosing who I was friends with, limiting my social life so I could clean for her and look after my Mum. I put my life on hold for her. At one moment she was jolly, supportive, cheery – just like a Mother should be… then when that bottle touched her lips she transformed into something I didn’t know – violent, different, aggressive. I cried every night wishing my Mum would wake up. I felt like I was isolated, in a nightmare that would keep continuing! I was scared of the dark, my clothes smelt of smoke, I wouldn’t attend school. What could have caused all of this? To this day I still don’t know. Often children of alcoholics feel blamed; you’re not. You might feel like a blip of an argument you once had with a parent was what set it off. No. Alcoholism began as a treat which turned into a horrible habit for them, the answer to all their problems is wine, vodka or beer. I was so tired of the thoughts, tears, having no friends and having no social life. Then something changed.
I thought; this isn’t the life I would wish for anyone. I wanted to be just like my friends, do people proud, have a lovely clean house and be the girl everyone knew me to be! My first massive step was being told by Social Services that I had to live with my Dad for a short period, so I did. I love my Dad so much, he does his best for us so I am unsure why it was so hard to leave my Mum. Deep down I wanted to stay with my Dad as I dreaded the thoughts after school hoping my Mum wasn’t still going to be alive. However, that big chunk of me wanted to stay with Mum, look after her. Carry on being the Mother figure I had always been. Now living with my Dad, it was the best decision I have ever made.
Having social services take me from my Mum, it was a real eye-opener. I became more motivated, built up the confidence I never had, became friends with people I pushed away for Mum. I gained so much.
I have learnt that no matter how hard you try for an alcoholic parent, we cannot blame ourselves . It’s not our choice whether they decide to stop or carry on drinking. We have to focus on the most important things in life… Our future. It’s tough seeing a loved one drink themselves away. A child cannot change an alcoholic but you can change YOU.
I would never of got this far in life if I didn’t have the support from my family, teachers at school or my friends. All of them have brought me to the girl I always wished to be. I have so much to be proud of an without the support everyones given me I wouldn’t be here writing this. I am so grateful for the courage and support everyone’s given me. You know who you are; you should be proud of yourself – you’ve made a sad, quiet girl into a more confident one!
I don’t think that the effects that alcoholism has on a child is advertised well enough… So here I am trying to help vulnerable people just like I was.
I have been a member of the Children of Addicted Parents website for nearly 2 months and the transition I have faced has been brilliant. It allows children to feel less alone, comment on variety forums that children have experienced, write creative stories about how life could get better. We should work together to help these children. I am soon training to be a mentor for this website – I’m so happy! If you know a child of an alcoholic or see someone who isn’t 100%, don’t ignore it. A smile can go along way for these children… Plus, it doesn’t take long. Behind every smile is a lot that you don’t know, be a friend and be a saver. You could really change someone’s life.
If you are a child of an alcoholic, try writing all your feelings in a diary, distract yourself from feeling down by painting your nails or playing on your Xbox. Do not blame yourself. Log onto the COAP website because it’s given me the courage and determination I never knew I could gain.
When I think about my Mum and how she could make herself a real future too, it hurts. She was my best friend, like a sister to me. Just because I changed, she fell behind but she’s had so many chances to follow in my footsteps and be a Mum to me. It’s a shame because everyone, when they put their mind to it, can make themselves a goal… And achieve it. Just like I have. When times like these happen… I often think “well if I wasn’t a child of an alcoholic I wouldn’t be the person I am today – strong, focused, determinated, motivated and I certainly wouldn’t of gained the achievements I have received”. I have been broken hearted so many times by the one person I ever thought would. Smile and move forwards, be the person everyone else knows you to be too.
I am a new author my book is called exercising the pain away, I have written about my 15 years battle with an eating disorder and exercising addiction. As a black women with this problem this is very uncommon in my community, at times. I wanted to write my story to help others who to may b struggling with this problem.
Former homeless man, penniless and unqualified drags himeself from the gutter and composes a symphony that is is now world renowned. Witten an incredible book about his adventures and published first time. Being launched at Christmas. Has composed and recorded a wonderful theme song to promote the book and produced an incredible video of the song which was recorded by Jeff Anderson out of ITV’s Superstars dubbed as “Baby Jesus” by Andrew Lloyd Webber. All on the web site
Hello I have been contacted by “aliens” i have had face to face contact with alien beings , these experiances have been going on all my life and continue to do so, if you are interested in a brief outline or a full interview please do let me know i promise you this is facinating and also something people need to know the truth about
kind regards
Kris Reed
hi my name is tracey an i would like to be on the show of this morning to explain to you about fibromyalgia ,which is a condion which affects all your muscules around the body an it has changed my life forever ,carnt do wot i used to do anymore ,i feel like my life has been taken away from me ,as they is no cure for this illness an would like to worn other people about this illness an be aware of it as it is fibromyalgia awareness in may thanks tracey barker
hello my name is zaina , i have a 10 year old child with a genetic blood disorder sickle cell , would love to appear on this morning t o raise awarness in sickle cell , its well known medicaly , but not much in schools and people around us, i would like to briefly highlight it in this morning or day break with my daughter and the effect she is having special in her school . yours sincere zaina
Please help my friend get on ur show with her daughter her daughter is seriously ill with cancer and we have been trying to fundraise for her. Her name is isabella coomber she has been in the sun newspaper we just need to get her story into the public eye as we have to fundraise to get her to america plz plz plz get in contact ty x
Whilst I personally do understand the need to enforce some form of taxation on this I feel I need to bring a couple of points to your attention.
We run a voluntary group, Hand In Hand For Sherwood, that offers food,clothing and general help wherever needed to the people within Sherwood. Since forming in Oct 2012 we have helped well over 500 people.
We are not funded in any shape, and rely soley on donations to operate.
We live in a 4 bedroom house, 2 adults, 1 autistic child and 1 17yr old child. We use the spare room to store and run everything to do with Hand In Hand from, we have a freezer stored in there, as well as non perishable foods, clothing, tv’s etc. Now with this introduction of the Bedroom Tax, we have been informed this will now cost us an extra £30 per week to have. We have been informed if we wanted to downsize, we would not be able to, as there are no suitable properties. So what do we do?
We are running a group, to try to help people in Poverty, and yet we are now being charged for it? There really needs to be some form of discretion used. £30 a week to a group like us, is massive, yes we could probably claim expenses for running costs etc, but why would we want to take money from a group set up to help people?
We however, will not let this deter us, but it is a cost that as a family we will have to swallow, in order for us to help other people in need, all the time pushing ourselves deeper into need.