Just over a year ago transexual Cindy Jackson decided to sell her story to the press. So what happened next?
Year: 2011
Vaseline lip salve confiscated over health and safety…
Mum Joanne Wilkins was furious when her daughter’s Vaseline lip cream was confiscated over health and safety issues at her primary school…
Case Study Gill in The Sun …
Case studies are always wanted by magazines, newspapers and TV researchers – and are a good way of earning extra money. And editors looking for case studies can now be put in touch with them via Featureworld’s Case Study Service.
Malissa Jones back in the news again…
Malissa Jones – once Britain’s fattest teen and now anorexic – her story appears in That’s Life magazine this week.
I have my sisters to thank for my two children…
After spending £30,000 on 15 failed IVF attempts, Amanda Gudz had given up ever having children of her own. But thanks to the generosity of her sisters, she is now a mum of two.
Meet Britain’s tallest girl…
At 6ft 9″ Jessica Pardoe is Britain’s tallest girl …
Why did I feel so sexy? And how feeling like that almost ended my relationship…
Vicki Dillon’s life was turned upside down when at the age of just 35 she was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. But worse were the side effects of the drugs which turned her into a sex addict…
Our big fat sponsored wedding…!
Khrystal Barton is set to get her longed for white wedding for free – by asking local businesses to foot the bill. Khrystal’s quirky story appeared in The Sun newspaper.
Mums with cancer to fly to US for life-saving treatment…
Two Featureworld interviewees – both mums suffering from cancer – are due to fly to the US for ground breaking treatment they hope will save their lives.
The new North Versus South …
The new North Versus South. Here, two families – both earning £50,000 a year – tell how one is struggling to pay bills (in the South) whereas the family in the North is living in luxury.