Featureworld interviewee Jessica Pardoe, who is Britain’s Tallest Girl, appears in an amazing mini TV documentary. Just released this week, you can view it here…

This incredible film might be in German! but I must say it is one of the best little films I have ever seen about one of my interviewees and Jessica is thrilled with it. Unsurprisingly despite only be uploaded to You Tube a few days ago, it has already had 20,000 views – and that was last time I looked…
When you sell your story through Featureworld, I will always give you the option of placing your story in the worldwide press and media. And unsurprisingly, given that at 6ft 9″ Jessica is actually one of the tallest women in the world, her story has been of interest abroad.
So I wasn’t surprised when a colleague of mine from Explosiv, part of the German RTL network, said her story would be of interest to them.
I negotiated for a camera crew and an interviewer from this well renowned TV Station, to spend some time with Jessica and the result was this amazing mini documentary for national German TV. In it we see Jessica more than head and shoulders above her friends, trying on clothes and shoes in High St shops, at home with mum Lisa (who is 6ft but actually manages to look petite next to her daughter) and driving (yes, Jessica manages to squeeze those long legs behind the wheel – just!)
Meanwhile, Jessica is about to appear in her first fashion shoot. And through Featureworld she is also set to be modelling for a major fashion brand. Watch this space…
Jessica is just one interviewee I represent at Featureworld. Read about Jessica and others here: Press Representation at Featureworld
And if you have an incredible story to sell worldwide, contact me here: Alison