Name and shame story about how Vanessa Finn got revenge on her cheating husband appears in PICK ME UP magazine this week.
One of the bonuses of selling your story through a media agent is that one week your story can appear in the Daily Mail newspaper and then it can be printed (with an interviewee’s permission) in a totally different way in a women’s magazine.
Regular readers might recall Vanessa’s story in the Daily Mail in December. Then she told how for eighteen years she was a supportive army wife. She believed she and husband Alan Finn, were happy. But then he confessed he was having an affair. Worse, he changed his army status to ‘single’. This meant as he no longer qualified for married quarters, Vanessa and their two daughters had to leave their home within 93 days.
She didn’t leave fast enough and was fined by the Ministry of Defence for trespass and cleaning.
Following the news story in the Daily Mail, I was contacted by a number of women’s magazines who wanted to know if Vanessa would like to do a follow-up story.
And today her story about what has happened since – including how she got revenge on his mistress, Lesley Murphy, is recounted in Pick me Up magazine. There Vanessa’s story goes over two pages. It was also made the front page of this well-read women’s mag.
Vanessa says: “Getting my story off my chest and telling the truth about what happened in both a national newspaper and a women’s magazine, has made me feel much more confident. In fact, it’s been a liberating experience and I am so glad I did it. I now feel able to put this behind me and carry on with the rest of my life.”
If you have story to sell about a cheating husband or partner then do get in touch and see how selling your story could put you back in control of your life. Email me here: Sell my story
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