British, over 40 and in education or healthcare?

It may be winter, dark and miserable. But according to a new survey, if you’re British, over 40 and work in education, in healthcare or as a consultant you should be the happiest of workers!Happiest workers

Recent research conducted by the Wall Street Journal and iOpener Institute for People and Performance interviewed 2000 workers across 80 different countries and reveal contrary to popular belief the British score well on measures of commitment, culture and pride at work.

The survey also revealed the happiest jobs in the world, with consultants, educators and healthcare providers scoring highest particularly in the areas of motivation, positive impact and that what they are doing is worthwhile.

And getting older seems to be a positive bonus for most. Researchers discovered that happiness at work increases with age, but you might have to wait for it. Once you reach 40 work happiness improves and then happiness at work steadily increases through to the 60+ age group. It was not stated why this is the case, but at The Magazine we concluded it might be because workers are more confident and content in their abilities by this age.

In other countries – Dutch workers came out happiest by scoring highly in areas of motivation, confidence, appreciating their organisations’ values and liking colleagues. Whereas Italy’s workforce was the unhappiest. The Germans came out on top for feelings of commitment, culture and pride!

Workers in the financial sector and in accounting were identified as the least happy workers due to low levels of motivation, engagement and confidence.

Dr Simon Lutterbie who worked on the survey said, “The happier people are, the more productive they are… Employees who are really happy at work tend to stay about five times longer in their jobs, are focused on the task at hand three times longer and take around three times less sick leave.”

Jonathan Smith-Squire

Jon Smith-Squire is a reporter at Sell Your Story UK, The Magazine. A psychology graduate, he has a special interest in real life stories, human emotions and how we perceive the world around us.

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