Against a background of an exploding world population, days from hitting the seven billion mark, research published today shows that infertility is one of the greatest sources of stress amongst those in the UK.
The results of a survey of those booking tickets to next week’s Fertility Show, staged over 2 days at London’s Olympia Exhibition Centre, Hammersmith, confirms that 77% of those sampled think that the difficulties they have faced are probably or definitely the most stressful thing they have ever experienced.
1 in 6 couples in the UK are known to face problems conceiving at some stage. For them, finding knowledge and solutions becomes a mission. Last year over 3,500 visited the Fertility Show on their quest to start a family.
Whilst infertility remains a taboo for many, most people answering the survey weren’t suffering in silence. 78% had confided in at least one person and over 80% had consulted their GP.
Backed by Britain’s leading infertility charity, Infertility Network UK, the Fertility Show runs nearly 60 seminars hosted by experts and includes, this year, a number of talks offering advice on coping as well as managing relationships through the stresses and strains of infertility.
Because of the intense pressures people experience, the charity runs a quiet room at the event for people who become upset or distraught during their visit where they can talk to a counsellor.
Jonathan Scott, organiser of the show, said “Over 50 of Britain’s leading fertility experts run seminars to help infertile couples. We often find visitors turn up first thing and stay all day”.
Susan Seenan, Deputy Chief Executive of sponsoring charity Infertility Network UK, who is presenting a seminar at the event on dealing with work issues through infertility, told Sell Your Story UK, “This research shows that when couples discover that starting a family is not as easy as they’d imagined, it can take over their lives”.
Are you battling with infertility or maybe against all the odds you’ve managed to have a longed-for baby. To tell your story contact us here: Sell Your Story UK