Soldier Sophia Snape celebrates her biggest battle – story in the NEWS OF THE WORLD yesterday.
When serving soldier Sophia emailed me her true life story – how she rescued a stray dog whilst she was on tour of Afghanistan – I knew many publications would love her story.
At the same time I took into consideration why Sophia wanted to sell her story. Upper most in her mind was gaining publicity. Sophia faced a bill of £4000 to get her pet back from Afghanistan into the UK and then for her to clear through six months quarantine.
So she was absolutely thrilled that the News of the World took on the campaign. Her story was printed as a page in this best-selling newspaper. Then, a video of Sophia and her beautiful dog, Lola, was taken for the paper’s website. Finally – and most importantly – the paper pasted a link to the Just Giving page so people could make a donation. By lunchtime yesterday, readers were so touched by her story that Sophia had gained more money than she needs to get Lola home (any surplus money, however, goes to Nowzad a charity set up to help other stray dogs in similar circumstances.)
She says: “I can’t believe people have been so kind and would like to thank everyone for helping.”
I am delighted myself for such a wonderful outcome to Sophia and Lola’s story.
If you have a wonderful pet story to sell, I would love to hear it! Simply email me here.
And to see how much was raised for Sophia and Lola – and to make a donation yourself – click here.