World's biggest albino family

The World’s biggest albino family live in … Coventry

There have been lots of contenders for the crown of the world’s biggest albino family – but it seems they are living in the UK. EXCLUSIVE STORY IN THE SUN and ITV THIS MORNING.
World's largest Albino family live in the UK
Sister Site Featureworld was stunned to get an email from Ghulam, one of the sixteen-strong members of an albino family living in Coventry.

He and the rest of his relatives had been interested to read recently about a family in India who believed with ten of them they were the largest family – when he is one of 16. You can see some of them in the photo here (above, left.)

White skinned couple Aslam Parvez, 55 and wife Shameem, 56, are the eldest of the family, who all live within five miles of one another.

All are white-skinned with white hair. They have difficulty seeing in strong light and are unable to sit in bright sunshine for more than ten minutes as their skin burns so easily.

All of the couple’s six children – daughters Naseem, 33, Muqadas, 27 and Musarat, 20, and sons Ghulam, 31, Haider Ali, 29, and Mohammed, 18, – have inherited the same genetic condition that causes their snow white skin and white hair.

World's biggest albino family

Two of Aslam’s brothers, and a sister both have the condition. And between them they have five albino children – making them the biggest albino family in the UK.

But the family recently contacted the Guinness Book of Records who have already told them they believe they could be the biggest albino family in the world.

In their story in The Sun newspaper family spokesman Ghulam tells how growing up was hard because they were teased. However, as one of 16 albinos, they were never lonely.

The family are particularly close and have always been accepted by the Muslim community. And as with a number of his siblings, Ghulam is married and his wife has ‘normal’ brown skin. They have two children, none of whom have inherited his albinism.

Some people have found it hard to accept they are Ghulam’s children – even though apart from colour, they do look like their dad!

We are absolutely delighted to represent the family – we were bowled over by their super photos and will be following them to hopefully see them crowned as the Biggest Albino family in the World!

Do you have an amazing family story to tell? Sister site Featureworld are experts at putting together complete packages of copy and photos to tell your story to the world. Contact them here.

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Alison Smith-Squire

Alison Smith-Squire is a writer, journalist and media agent selling exclusive real life stories to newspapers, magazines and TV. She owns the sell my story website, which was set up to help ordinary people sell their stories to the press.

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