How one woman has spent over £10K transforming herself into Lady Gaga. Real life story in CLOSER magazine this week.
Singer and music graduate Cat Winter’s true story about how she has spent a fortune perfecting her looks as a Lady Gaga lookalike and tribute artist appeared in Closer magazine this week.
Incredibly, as well as having plastic surgery to look like her idol (a boob job) and buying dozens of outfits, and hair pieces, Cat has also spent thousands recording and packaging CDs of her singing Lady Gaga songs. She is also spending hundreds of pounds on a choreographer who is taking her through Lady Gaga dance moves.
Unfortunately, because she took time off work to meet the choreographer, she has now lost her job.
After the story came out in the magazine Cat said: “I am absolutely delighted with the story. It is exactly how you said it would be. Having lost my job, the story has given me a real lift. My parents were incredibly proud – my mum even took the article into work to show her friends.”
Cat has now been invited onto ITV’s This Morning and will be appearing on the show the next few weeks.
Incredibly I have also sold Cat’s story to US glossy mag Life and Style.
Meanwhile, Cat is currently setting up a website and I will be following her story!
Lookalike stories are often very saleable. In January, I sold another lookalike story – Sasha who looked like Leona Lewis and her story was sold to a newspaper, a magazine and she also went on TV.
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