Real-life feature on the front page and over two pages of the DAILY MAIL newspaper today.
When the Femail features section of the Daily Mail asked me to research this issue, I did wonder at first how common this is. But I soon discovered marrying someone when you are not in love is much more usual than I thought. And in fact a number of women came to me regarding this issue – we didn’t have room to put all the stories I came up with in the newspaper.
In this article, there were two marriages that as a consequence didn’t last. First, there was Diane Pulford who married because mum thought her fiance was a good catch. Then, there was Andrea who at the age of 29 could hear her biological clock ticking and wanting a baby, married her boyfriend.
But I also spoke to three women for whom love grew. Although her parents did not pressurise her, Anita Singh chose to have an arranged marriage and had only met her husband twice before they wed. But although they were strangers, today they are in love. Then there was Lisa Mahon who married just six days after meeting her husband. However, she had been speaking with him over the internet and felt there was the potential for love. Sure enough, there was and today they have had a baby girl.
Finally there was Patricia Beaumont’s moving story. She was just 19 when her boyfriend discovered he had a rare cancer. His life was in the balance and doctors warned treatment could also make him infertile. She decided to finish with him. But then Patricia found she was pregnant and decided to make a go of their marriage. Even after she wed, she still felt resentful she’d got hitched so young. And in fact it was only when Jason became ill again, she realised just how much she did love him.
This feature was trailed on the front page of the Daily Mail today and judging by the comments on Mailonline, proved an enjoyable read, which of course pleases me!
The whole feature has now been placed with a top women’s magazine.
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